Demographic and clinical features of age related macular degeneration in patients attending Mansoura University Ophthalmic Center

Document Type : Original Articles


1 Mansoura Ophthalmic Center, Mansoura University

2 Mansoura Ophthalmic Center, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt


Purpose: evaluate the demographic characteristics and clinical features of Age Related Macular Degeneration in patients attending Mansoura University Ophthalmic Center.
Methods: Observational descriptive cross sectional study carried out in Mansoura Ophthalmic Center – Mansoura University on patients with age related macular degeneration.
All individuals were subjected to full history and ocular examination & assessed for age-related macular degeneration staging, demographic and clinical features.
Results: The study included 193 eyes of 105 patients with age related macular degeneration, they had been classified into three groups: Group Ι: 53.4% had drusens. Group II: 35.2% had CNV. Group III: 11.4% had geographic atrophy. The mean of age group was 67.7 ± 9.32 and median was 68 years in our study, 69.01±9.706 for group Ι, 66.61±8.77 for group II, and 69.18±9.65 for group III. There were 66.7% females& 33.3% males. The most common disease among studied group was hypertension, followed by diabetes mellitus, and then hyperlipidemia. Regarding general risk factors, 59% were prolonged exposued to sun, and 32.4% were smokers. Nineteen patients (18.1%) had previous cataract surgery. Regarding refraction, 68.6% of patients had hypermetropia, 12.4% had myopia, and 19% were emmetrope.
Conclusion: there are some common demographic characteristics for AMD which considered as preventable risk factors like smoking, prolonged sun exposure, and hyperlipidemia. AMD was common in cases with DM, and HTN. Visual affection and central visual loss is more likely with geographic atrophy, then in wet AMD, and vision is less affected in cases with drusen.
