Evaluation of Multifocal Visual Evoked Potential in normal Egyptian Population

Document Type : Original Articles


1 Mansoura Ophthalmic Center, Mansoura University

2 Mansoura Ophthalmic Center, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt


Background: Electrophysiological inquiries into visual evoked potentials (VEPs) have been shown to be useful in the study of neurological disorders. The visual evoked potential is a determination of the electrical activity of the visual pathways from the retina to the calcarine cortex. Recent advances in electrophysiology have allowed us to record the visual field of a person as a series of evoked cortical responses using a technique called multifocal visual evoked potential (mfVEP).
Objectives: Evaluation the multifocal visual evoked potential values in normal Egyptian population as well as how they correlate with age, sex, lateralization & refraction.
Patients & methods: An observational, descriptive study was held on a sample of 100 ophthalmologically healthy eyes attending Mansoura ophthalmic center outpatient clinic during the time span of October 2018 to September 2019.
Result: there were no statistically significant variance amongst the examined groups concerning the disparity in amplitude & latency among the sexes, Values of the multifocal VEP relate with both chronological age in addition to intraocular pressure (IOP). Best Corrected Visual Acuity (BCVA) was positively correlated with amplitude in the inferior nasal, not positively associated with latency in the superior temporal in addition negatively related with spherical equivalents in the superior temporal.
Conclusion: The multifocal VEP methodology outperforms traditional full-field VEPs because it allows for the independent measurement of numerous parts of the visual field, which results in the more highly precise detection of minor problems.


Main Subjects