Corneal Thickness and Intraocular Pressure Changes after Anterior and Posterior Approaches in Congenital Cataract Surgeries

Document Type : Original Articles


Mansoura Ophthalmic Center, Mansoura University


Purpose: to determine changes in corneal thickness and intraocular pressure after anterior and posterior approaches in congenital cataract surgeries.
Methods: The study was conducted at Mansoura Ophthalmic Center, Mansoura University, Egypt from July 2021 to December 2023. It included sample of 24 eyes with maximum age of 24 months. Patients were randomly classified into two equal groups (12 eyes each) using closed envelope method, Group I (anterior approach) and Group II (posterior approach). Preoperatively, EUA was done as regard anterior segment and fundus examination, IOP and CCT and corrected IOP values were calculated. The patients were followed up at (1 week, 3 weeks, 7 weeks and 12 weeks) postoperatively.
Results: IOP decreased significantly one week postoperatively as compared to pre-operative value (p<0.001) with percent of change 13.8% that increased afterward through follow up periods among group (I) and group (II). As regard CCT, all postoperative readings demonstrate statistically significant increase as compared to preoperative value among group (I). while in group (II) CCT all postoperative readings demonstrate statistically significant increase as compared to preoperative value.
Conclusion: This study demonstrates no statistically significant difference between studied groups as regard IOP (p=0.259), CCT (P=0.235) and IOP correction (p=0.410). The increase of corneal thickness and the decrease in IOP was observed after congenital cataract surgery. The increase in CCT and its effect on IOP should be considered in cases having congenital cataract surgery.


Main Subjects